Your HVAC system is one of the biggest and most expensive systems operating in your home. To get the most out of your HVAC system, you'll need to stay on top of HVAC maintenance. Air conditioning repair companies can help. Let's look at a few of the benefits of having regular maintenance done on your system.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, three-quarters of all homes in the U.S. have air conditioning. AC systems use about 6% of all electricity produced which amounts to an annual cost of $29 billion to homeowners. By keeping up with your HVAC system's regular maintenance, you can significantly improve your energy efficiency. A well-maintained system uses less energy. Over time this will translate into using less energy, and better energy bills.
In our experience, we've seen that most HVAC systems can be expected to last about 15-20 years. If you fail to perform regular maintenance on your system, though, this life expectancy can be cut significantly. To get the most out of the investment you've made into your system, you need the system to reach its full life span. Air conditioning repair companies can help.
Keeping your HVAC properly maintained can even improve the air quality inside your home. The air that is passing through the system will pick up any dirt, debris, or bacteria that might be present in the system and the air duct work. You'll need to have air conditioning and heating professionals come out to inspect your system and make sure it's clean and in good working order so that you can keep the air quality of your home top-notch. This is especially important if someone in your home has lung problems or breathing difficulties.
Any time you have an electrical system in your home malfunctioning, it can create fire risks. Your AC system is a large system that uses a great deal of electricity. If something goes wrong it could create a fire hazard for your home. Don't procrastinate on HVAC maintenance and be sure to contact air conditioning repair companies if you notice safety issues.
Because an HVAC system is a big investment, these systems often come with extensive warranties. Although a warranty is a great way to protect your investment and save money, you need to be aware that there are requirements for most HVAC warranties. To file a claim on the warranty of your system if something goes wrong, you often need to be able to prove that you have been properly maintaining the system since the time of installation.
Proper maintenance often includes professional documentation that filters have been changed regularly, tune-ups have been done as recommended by the manufacturer, and other smaller repairs were done promptly. Some types of HVAC repairs can cause progressive problems if they aren't repaired quickly. If you're unable to prove that proper maintenance was done on the system, you might not be able to claim the warranty.
If you have plans of selling your home any time in the future, you'll want to keep major systems like the HVAC properly maintained. Potential homebuyers often ask about major home systems such as heating and air, electrical, plumbing, roofing, and more when they first view a home. Home buyers don't want to immediately be greeted with the potential of replacing an HVAC if they buy a home. If you can prove with professional documentation that all maintenance and repairs have been done and that the system has several good years of life left in it, that makes your home more appealing to buyers.
Your HVAC system is all about comfort. If you don't take care of regular maintenance, you won't be able to depend on your system. If you think your system needs repairs, get those taken care of quickly, and schedule regular maintenance. Air conditioning repair companies can help you keep your system in great shape.

These are just a few of the benefits of regular HVAC maintenance. If you're looking for reliable professionals in your area, please contact us today at SBS-NC, LLC. We are here for your HVAC needs.
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